[Live Preview] Spatial Proteome: The Next Windfall for Clinical Research!

FFPE (Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded) samples are common biomaterials in the medical field and are currently the gold standard for long-term preservation of pathological specimens. A large amount of paraffin-embedded tissues are often accumulated in the archives of hospital pathology departments. Spatial proteomics was developed for FFPE tissue samples, which can be used for retrospective studies, elucidation of disease mechanisms, discovery of therapeutic targets, and prognostic indications.

In this live lecture, Inphi Bio will share the technical principles of spatial proteomics (IMC, CODEX, mIHC), the ideas of its application in clinical research of tumour microenvironment, immunotherapy, etc., to observe and interpret the samples in spatial dimension, discover new analysis angles, and explore the various mechanism mechanisms and mechanisms related to the clinic.



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