10x Visium CytAssist

In the Visium CytAssist workflow, sectioning, tissue preparation, staining (H&E or IF) and imaging are all performed on standard slides. After probe hybridization, two standard slides and one Visium slide with two capture areas are placed into the CytAssist instrument, aligning the tissue sections on the standard slides with the capture areas. The instrument captures a bright-field image to provide spatial localization for data analysis, and the transcriptome probe is subsequently hybridized to the Visium slide.

Technical Advantages

Visium CytAssist is compatible with both 6.5mm*6.5mm and 11mm*11mm samples.

Visium CytAssist is compatible with patched slide samples and allows experiments to be performed without paraffin embedding blocks.

A commercially available 35-protein combo kit is available for simultaneous transcriptome and protein analysis of the same FFPE sample.

Sample Types

1. paraformaldehyde (PFA)-fixed frozen tissue, fresh frozen tissue, or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue

2. Human or mouse samples

3. different sizes of tissue sections, flexible analysis of up to 11 x 11 mm region of interest



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